I disagree about your point on social interactions, I've been homeschooled my whole life and I'd argue that homeschoolers have better interactions with others because they aren't just around kids their age all the time. We have more experience talking to people both younger and older, making conversations with adults much easier. Studies done show that homeschoolers have better social skills than children who are public schooled. As long as the parental figure is making an effort for their child to be in social settings, they will have social interactions. As for introversion, that is fully dependent on the person.

Speaking up about this because I hear it all the time, it's definitely a false stereotype that should be broken

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Very good point!

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Yes. I fully agree. I think that’s what I was trying to convey, but I did it unclearly. However, in my experience with making new friends in situations where I know no one, while hitting off with the kids is possible easily- they were much better at starting conversations and coming up to me than I was to them. That could just be my own personality in the way- and while homeschooling will get a kid better skills with talking to people of all ages, I do think that going to public school is going to make you, as a general rule, more comfortable with strangers who are the same age as you.

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I agree

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Oh, something I forgot to add is that at private school, from seeing each other every day, my classes (this was elementary so we were all in the same class) became really close and I built strong friendships with many of them. But now that I'm homeschooled and going to co-ops with tiny friend-groups who've known each other forever that I only spend time with once a week, I've found it harder to develop friendships like I did at private school. So that kinda adds on to one of the cons of homeschool.

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Any transition between schooling systems will be at least a little difficult.

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May 27Liked by jack cuison

I say homeschooling is best, but I want to point out some cons that were not specifically listed on the cons list.

That is Sports.

As a homeschooler it is so, so difficult to play sports. You can join leagues and clubs but even there it is hard to find the community of a team and the competition needed to prepare you for maybe playing in college. I have been homeschooled all my life- and in my 8th grade year a bill passed in my state that allows homeschoolers to play sports with their public school. After jumping through hurdle after hurdle and dealing with people who didn’t care whether some girl played sports or not, my mom got me into the system, and I have played two sports with my high school ever since. It’s been a wonderful opportunity for me, and I understand why some homeschooled kids in other states don’t want to be homeschooled because they will miss the bonding of a high school team.

The education system is wonderful for me- it teaches me to be diligent, manage my time, and learn and exercise self control. After all, there is not teacher sending you to detention for not doing your homework. There’s no one to notice if you don’t really do anything all day. Learning to work hard and do the thing well even though I might have been able to get away with it is very valuable to me to this day.

Socially, I agree with Melody- there are many coops that you can meet with, especially with people who are under the same curriculum as you (no, the moms do not have to write the curriculum, just choose one). I am extroverted, and see quite enough people as it is thank you very much. I am not limited to my homeschool friends. I have many friends who go to many different public and private schools around the area. A common question I get asked is ‘well, how do you make friends?’ I always answer with ‘Do you only have friends from school? Nowhere else?’ I believe that sometimes not being in a bubble of kids your age can be an important and often missed-out-on form of socialization.

If not homeschooled, I would go to public school. If the education is going to be something of a wash anyway (and this might just be my county, the private schools aren’t much better than public educationally), I would go for the diversity of kids and the friend group of so many different people.

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May 27Liked by jack cuison

I agree with you, Jack.

I believe that with a few exceptions, homeschooling is the best. As a homeschooler, I am able to do schoolwork tailored specifically for me at my own pace, which is great as I get done a good 2-3 hours before the local high-school. And if a homeschooler wants a community, there are often co-ops, homeschooling groups, and homeschooling sports teams where homeschoolers can get involved in something with other homeschoolers. I would say the next best is private school, as even though it is more expensive than either option, it allows parents to send their kids to a school that most often teaches the truth (note: I went to a private Christian school for preschool, and my grandma and mom used to teach in a private Christian school, neither of which required an uniform...so there are often still private schools you can find that only have a dress code and thus are cheaper...and they will sometimes have a program to help cut down on the price follower income families). Public school would be lowest on my list as I know that public schools right now are teaching with a liberal agenda.

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May 28Liked by jack cuison

I was in public school up until 5th grade when covid hit and my family decided to try homeschooling, which I have done ever since. And I LOVE it. Homeschooling allows my family so much freedom and helps us all work at our own speeds. It allows us to go on road trips every spring before all the other schools get out. And I disagree with the social interaction. I go to a co-op 2 days a week with 600 attending people. I met my two best friends there and have many other friends. I only have a few friends from my public school days, the rest from church (the majority of them home school too). And i am introverted but i always have been.

I also enjoyed my public school days in elementary. My teachers were great and I had many friends. It worked very well for me and I didnt have a reason to leave. I really enjoyed it there, but a few months ago I went to one of my friend's theater performance at the middle school and I was kinda shocked by what they were supporting there.

Overall, (sorry it was kinda long...) Homeschooling is my favorite and im pretty sure it will always be!!!!

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May 27Liked by jack cuison

Hey Jack. Once again you have come up with a awesome topic. I love this article and all the pros and cons you have included in it.

Homeschool rocks!!! Okay i have to admit i was in public school for like until grade 2 but it kinda sucked. Also i'm just going into highschool and still enjoying homeschool so... ..homeschool takes the top

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I agree with Sea on the social interactions point. I think she did a wonderful job of it, so I won't expand on it. I believe homeschooling is best. My parents have both gone through each education system and I have friends in each system.

My honest opinion on public schools:




It ruins your mind. Wastes opportunity. Forces you to learn what the government wants you to learn, force-feeds you facts, whereas in homeschooling and the good private schools, the goal is to teach you HOW to learn. You think for yourself. You research for yourself. You decide for yourself. You are not spoonfed the lies of the government.

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May 31·edited May 31

I think homeschooling is best (yes, I'm biased; I've been homeschooled all my life). Another reason why homeschooling is good is because the government and teachers are in control of your education. Whatever they want you to know, to think, is what you'll be getting. In contrast, parents are the ones who are in control of their own kid's education (which is a highly important thing). They know what is best for their child, not some stranger. Plus, in public school you come face to face with some not nice things, including bullying, peer pressure, and people who support wrong things. Also, you are so boxed-in in public school. In fact, the whole reason public school was made was to make kids into soldiers, all alike. If you want to be your self, your own unique, special self, then don't go to public school where conformity is a thing.

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I wouldn't say private schoolers "typically" wear uniforms. Statistics I found said 20 to 60 percent, 20 being the most recent statistic.

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Oh! Good debate!! I don't know which one I would say is the best, but I have done homeschool, private school, and now I'm doing online school. I like online school because it is a happy medium. You get the freedom with your schedule (I don't have any kind of zoom class, I just do my assignments whenever) and you get more time with family. Neither parent really has the pressure to teach me. Plus, I know there won't be gaps in my education. Another plus is in my junior year, I can start earning college credits and graduate high school with an associate's! The main con is that I don't see my friends as often (who are in the private school I used to be in). This is a really great topic for discussion!

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May 27·edited May 27

So, I like public school, I go a public school because of being exposed to friends and my parents aren’t my teachers. I can also have a more rounded schedule and pick my classes and get try college credit. But being in public schools I am exposed to different things that I wouldn’t normally be exposed to. I liked homeschooling except for my parents being my teachers and not seeing a lot of people. I did go to a co-op once a week and really liked that, but I got cooped up and did not like that. I liked private school; smaller class sizes: more one on one class time with teacher. I didn’t like it because I had a hard time with friends and bullying. It was a rough time in my life.

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Yeah...I get that...

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