Aug 12Liked by Merissa Nicole, jack cuison

Loved this devotional this morning! So encouraging, thank you! 🙏✝️

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Thank you for reading! 🙏😊

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Aug 23Liked by Merissa Nicole

Outstanding post. Full of raw wisdom and truth.

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Thank you very much for reading 🙏🙌

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"Let Him be the dream come true!" Merissa, this whole piece is so good. At 63 years old and older than your mom (probably) I have never stopped dreaming or wanting to make them come true. Of course we lay down our dreams, blessed to fulfill dreams like being a wife, mother and caregiver to those that need us - but when our hearts are "dancing" (I too a former long time dancer!) in that dreamland, God can and surely will bring them forth again. Four years ago I hit the largest wall of my life and almost gave up my life. This had never been me. I lost my dad, my photography career and our oldest son walked out of our life, taking precious grandchildren with him. I had never experienced such pain or grief and needed to walk through a very lonesome valley and shed my flesh. But He was there. 2.5 years into that deep valley he awoke me with a story and I am here. I am here. My life verse went from Jer 29:11 to : "The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights. For the Director of music. On my stringed instruments." - Habbakuk 3:19 - and I love that you quoted from that book. He truly does give us the strength to reach the heights and live out our purpose. I have found His purpose for me is to sit with many who need Him and He guides everything. Thank you for your example and for your faith. God Bless you and keep you always on this journey. At your age, your wisdom shines beyond bright. Always draw near to that. oxox

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Aww, thank you so much for reading! Your kind words always touch my heart in a special way. Thank you for sharing your heart here, too! God finds such beautiful ways to keep us and hold us throughout every stage in life. (Also, keep an eye out for a DM from me soon! 💜)

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It is no coincidence that we met through Alex. I feel very blessed. His hand has been on everything from the moment I woke up one day in May of 2022 and heard His voice say “write.” Then I heard “The Family We Keep.” “It will come back to you.” Every reflection has been Him. I look at the writing and wonder how it happened. I still wonder. And I know.

(and okay, I will look out for that :) ox

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Yes, that was absolutely the Lord connecting us for a great purpose 💜 That is such a beautiful testimony that I believe the Lord will continue to use for His glory. Keep writing! You have a beautiful gift and purpose here.

(sent! 💜)

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